Gamepad Problems!!!!! I need some help! -
02-16-2003, 12:43 PM
I just purchased a Thrustmast Firestrom Dual Analog 3 gamepad. It looks just like the dual shock 2 for the PS2 (with the dual analog sticks).
At first I wasn't able to configure my gamepad in the MoH:AA options screen... Then I ran across the FAQ in this forum and it pointed me in the right direction. The post had me do some editing using console commands.
I'm now able to configure my gamepad in the MoH:AA options screen but I'm still running into a HUGE problem. My second analog stick, which is used to move the crosshairs, is not working properly.
When I push up on the analog stick I turn left, when I push left I look down, when I push down I look right, and when I push right I look up. It seems like the analog stick has been turned 90 degrees to the left.
This is a VERY annoying problem! It basically makes it impossible to use the game pad...
Is there some way to use console commands to get the second analog stick to work properly? I tried using the bind command, but the second (and first) analog stick does not have button numbers assigned to it...
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.