// generated by moh:aa do not modify
// Key Bindings
bind TAB "+scores"
bind ESCAPE "togglemenu"
bind SPACE "+moveup"
bind 1 "useweaponclass pistol"
bind 2 "useweaponclass rifle"
bind 3 "useweaponclass smg"
bind 4 "useweaponclass mg"
bind 5 "useweaponclass grenade"
bind 6 "useweaponclass heavy"
bind 7 "toggleitem"
bind ` "toggleconsole"
bind a "+moveleft"
bind c "+leanright"
bind d "+moveright"
bind e "+use"
bind h "weapdrop"
bind p "pushmenu_weaponselect"
bind q "holster"
bind r "reload"
bind s "+back"
bind t "sayteam"
bind u "pushmenu_teamselect"
bind v "instamsg_main"
bind w "+forward"
bind y "say"
bind z "+leanleft"
bind PAUSE "pause"
bind LCTRL "+movedown"
bind LSHIFT "+speed"
bind F2 "ui_getplayermodel;pushmenu_dm mpoptions"
bind F3 "pushmenu Controls"
bind F4 "pushmenu_sp LoadSave"
bind F5 "savegame quick"
bind F6 "messagemode"
bind F9 "loadgame quick"
bind F12 "screenshot"
bind MOUSE1 "+attackprimary"
bind MOUSE2 "+attacksecondary"
bind MWHEELDOWN "weapprev"
bind MWHEELUP "weapnext"
// Cvars
seta r_lastValidRenderer "Radeon 8500 DDR x86/MMX/3DNow!"
seta r_forceClampToEdge "1"
seta s_milesdriver "Miles Fast 2D Positional Audio"
seta name "[v^DBR v^] ACTS_2:38"
seta com_autodialdata ""
seta r_mode "8"
seta ui_connectip ""
// Aliases
sv_hostname "DBR"
//Sets the NAME of your server, what people will see in the browser
fraglimit 0
//Sets the limit of Frags that will end the match
//( 0 = no fraglimit)
timelimit 25
//Sets the amount of time (in minutes) for map changes
//(0 = no timelimit)
sv_maplist "dm/mohdm1 dm/mohdm2 dm/mohdm3 dm/mohdm5 dm/mohdm7"
//This is the list of maps that will be cycled for the server
sv_allowDownload 0
//Toggles allowing client downloads from server, like custom maps
//(0-off 1-on)
sv_maxRate 9000
//Max data transmit rate by clients on the server.
//(setting depends on network)
sv_maxPing 250
//Keeps anyone with a higher ping than this value from connecting
//to the server
sv_fps 20
//Server FPS, this should increase performance (20 is the default) sv_floodProtect 1
//Flood protection from server crashing text messages
set flood_waitdelay 10
//not too sure on this, possibly time before flooder is allowed
//to type again (default)
set flood_persecond 4
//messages per second to be considered a flood ?? (default)
set flood_msgs 4
// ?? (default)
sv_pure 0
//Pak checker, does not allow clients to use PAK files the server //doesn’t have (0=off 1=on)
sv_gamespy 1
//Allows your server to show up in the Gamespy browser, and the
//In-game browser (v1.1)
set g_inactiveKick 300
//Time (in seconds) that a client will be kicked for inactivity
set g_inactiveSpectate 60
//Time (in seconds) that a client will be moved to spectator for
set g_teamdamage 1
//Sets friendly fire 0=off 1=on
rconPassword wellyougetthepicturemessageboardpeeps

//Sets your RCON password to allow you Remote Administration
//Finally, put a blank line at end of the config
AND that would be it any help to solving this would be very much appreciated
