03-03-2003, 10:08 AM
No you cant detect it, theres a few anti-cheats that can, but the fact your even asking `if there is one available` makes me think that you couldnt run the neccessary programs anyway.
The best option is to get him to bring down the console whilst in-game, ask him to type `path` in the console, then get him to take screenshots of all the pk3.s it will list, getting him to page up-down taking screenshots until he has them all listed, now you can take a look for the anti-recoil pk3.s if they are in there (and if they are not re-named yippee!). Then ask him to send them to you via msn.
Personally if your worried about cheats then your playing the wrong game. Theres now so many cheats available for Mohaa that the cheats sites now have to catogorise the cheats into sub-menus.
Competitive Mohaa is now DEAD make no mistakes.