|1stPTC| Clan Skins -
03-07-2003, 09:50 PM
If anyone read my post in the Squads and Clans forum, then you probably know what this is going to ask. The clan I'm starting is the 1st Paratroop Commandos. I was wondering if someone would like to create a set of skins for a US regiment. Ranks include Pvt, PFC, Cpl, Sgt, Lt, and Capt. They will be airborne skins, of course, much like the stock 501st AB skins for spearhead. It would be nice to have a set with and without face paint and for night and day maps, and there are a few things that would look good on the model.
Grenades, jump knife, canteen, ammo pack for Capt, Lt, or Sgt, smaller ammo packs on the waist for other ranks, insignia, american flag on one arm, AB patch on the other(i found some real AB patches, if you are going to do this skin Ill email them to you and maybe you can try to get it on the skin) and some kind of marking on the helmets, with insignia, sidearm holster, foxhole shovel, etc. Dont kill yourself trying to get it exact, just try what you think would look good and what you like. Maybe something like UK Camo Airborne but American, more green or brown.
If you read the other post, and you feel like trying the UK regiment one, I would love it if you could do something like the UK Camo AB with different ranks and stuff. If you dont know what im talking about go to Planet MOH and look at the skin of the week. Maybe not with the cuts on the face though...
Thanks, Walker