I recently made one, I could send it to you. I didn't send it to any site yet. Here's what it does:
-All weapons are very precise, bullet spread has been lowered very much, but not pinpoint accuracy for every bullet, see for yourself
-Weapondamage has been slighty increased exept for the mauser rifle (not sniper!): the mauser rifle does 200 points of damage. I know this is not realistic, but it’s such an wonderful weapon and it’s so hard to hit someone in close combat. Now you have at least a real chance to kill someone in close combat with one shot. Even in the foot

-Ammunition has been decreased. All automatic weapons are given four magazines (BAR five), all rifles about 50, Sniperrifles 30 bullets, pistols also four clips
-Bashing damage has been increased to 50 damagepoints. I made this because if I bash someone with a pistol on the neck, his lights will surely go out
-You get 2 Grenades instead of 6
-Now you run faster with every weapon, even with a MG. Why? Because you don’t give the weakest squad member the heaviest weapons, do you?
-Shotgun has been disabled. If chosen, you cannot move when holding it (as a penalty, hehe)
-Bazooka and Panzerschreck are limited to 3 Rockets and you cannot move while holding it.
-The BAR fires a little faster than before