How do you make custom crosshairs? -
03-22-2003, 09:05 PM
i start by saying i am a noob, as to making mods, i couldnt find a tutorial anywhere on how o make your on crosshairs, and since i like to use the M1 and mauser, a good crosshair is neccisary, if anyone knows how would you plz share with me how do do that, thanks
Man, I swear, no one will tell me how to make a damn crosshair either! It must be a huge aa conspiracy or something. My sources are looking into that possibility as we speak. biggrin: biggrin:
all these kind words, man your gonna spoil me. biggrin: yeah, I've made a lot of crosshairs, some of them are on this site, some on others. I consider myself pretty good at makin em, so if yall need any help or any learnin just ask.
i got photoshop, but i'll find my way if you have the time to make a tutorial with pics, it would be much appreciated.
I dont know if im going to far now, but could it be that you could also mention how to make both crosshairs (the normal one you have when carrying a SMG) and a sniper scope? (i personally am more in need of a "normal" crosshair, not the sniper scope)