need a skin on an AI -
04-01-2003, 05:46 PM
hi i hae a map i am working on wellalmost finished i am new to mapping but i want this in my map and have looked for tuts btu they are onver my head i think uuuuum ok here goes !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i have a church i built and i have never just stuck an AI in a map but i di and the german ugy is there hollering and if you get near him he will kill you .. i know alot of you know that but is someone able to make a skin for an AI to put in the game ???????? i just want to have him standing there like a regular Ai that you would put in a Mp map well if you wanted to lol
i have the skin and the permission form the skinner to use it is anyone willing to help me ....its jsut eye candy but hey i have a sweet tooth