1st thing.
By running a local or listening server, you do not need to use rcon in front of any of the rcon commands.
Rcon is used to call a command to a remote server.
With that said, lets look at your first question.
[quote:ff4ea]1)I run a simple server from my computer (through game) and I have a problem with a guy coming in and cheating and hacking...I want to ban him or find his IP address so i can somehow bind his ip to a key to kick him with ease....I have a mac so PC programs wont work...any idea? [/quote:ff4ea]
To find your clients info on a listening server (a server you host and play on at the same time ).
Pull down the console and type
You do not need to type rcon in front of this because your on the server.
once you have the list of players and their IP address. You can then kick the player that is causing problems.
But how do you keep them out.
1) run auto kick and add them to the banned list.
2) modify your localhost file to block access to your computer from the bad IP address.
Your second question
[quote:ff4ea]2) how do I set a password...it says if im not running a dedi to type rcon set password " " but when i do that, it says "bad rcon from loop back" "no passwrod set" how do i set a password? [/quote:ff4ea]
Normally you need to set two command to accomplish this
[code:ff4ea]set sv_privateClients "x" [/code:ff4ea]
x = the number of private slots
[code:ff4ea]set sv_privatepassword "xxxx" [/code:ff4ea]
Where xxxx is your password.
but your not running a dedicated server. so you just need to type into the console
[code:ff4ea]set sv_privateClients "x"[/code:ff4ea]
[code:ff4ea]set sv_privatepassword "xxxx"[/code:ff4ea]
You will be all set until you restart your server.
To remove the password type
[code:ff4ea]set sv_privatepassword "" [/code:ff4ea]
notice that there is no spaces between the quotes.
For a more detailed discursion on setting a password and connecting using a password, check out my guides section over at
remember any command you can place in a cfg file you can run via rcon or in your case just your console window.
Hope this helps -