01-11-2002, 10:09 AM
How to make this a kick arse game.
1. A tad more realism would be good. I think most people would agree that the rifles should be made a bit more powerful I mean the German rifle is hardly ever used.
2. Bayonets/Knives and Rifle Butts. A lot of WWII combat was up close and personal. These new fighting techniques are a must.
3. Ability to go prone to take more cover.
4. 3 grenades MAX per person. I cannot stress that enough. Gren spamming has got to be stopped and people should feel they need to ration their grenades slightly. Also max amount of rockets should be 4.
5. Map editor.
6. Interaction with vehicles in M Player. Vehicles in MPlayer would make this game so amazing. Lets face it the reason Tribes was successful was because of the vehicles. Imagine having tank battles, use of jeeps etc(finally give the bazookas their proper targets).
7. Realistic wounds. eg hit in the leg it takes away 50% of your speed.
8. Abolish the 50 health dropped at death by players and introduce medics.
Just some thoughts.