Opcenter w/ Bots in Spearhead. -
04-13-2003, 08:35 AM
This map runs in MOHAA, but if i try and run it in SH, it just shits itself and quits. Has anyone else encountered this problem, and if so, how did you fix it, because i really wanna play this map with the SH weapons!
OK, well, I would much appreciate if one of the very talented Bot-dudes in the community could come up with a way to fix this. You'd be doing us all a great service. Granted, i know stuff all about mapping, but it seems possible, as it's not really the commands that need to be changed, just the compatability
I'll have a look at it then get back to you. At the risk of being called a spammer, i'll post it in this thread, because i imagine this will be of interest to quite a few people.
I paly opcentre in SH it runs fine for me except for smoe minor glitches because its made for AA.
The glitches Ive found are:
1. text errors Ie Hobbes was shot in ____________
2 Allied bots sometime ru around without weapons
3. Allied and Axis Bots dont use SH weapons
On anther note weather u play it in SH or AA the fricken bots are wall hackers. Ive seem them tracking targets through walls ceiling etc on numerous occasion.
I paly opcentre in SH it runs fine for me except for smoe minor glitches because its made for AA.
The glitches Ive found are:
1. text errors Ie Hobbes was shot in ____________
2 Allied bots sometime ru around without weapons
3. Allied and Axis Bots dont use SH weapons
On anther note weather u play it in SH or AA the fricken bots are wall hackers. Ive seem them tracking targets through walls ceiling etc on numerous occasion.
Interestingly enough, I could run the Original bots_beta map with SH suitably, but there was the odd glitch, like the ones Hobbes pointed out.
So, I would suggest that if there's any glaring differences between the scripting of bots_beta and OpCenter, that might be the key