Originally Posted by burn
Has anyone got Delta Force 2, DF land Warrior or Delta Force Task Force Dagger?
If you have do you still play them and maybe we could be each other sometime? cool:
I have df2 and landwarrior but i only play df2 these days.
my friend and i sometimes play on the team deathmatches. we run around the back of the enemy and knife snipers. no cheating involved.
youre welcome to get with us sometime and play. i dont know when we will next do that though. Our clan is *SAS*.
We arnt a serious clan though we just play for fun, and dont have a website or anything.
so if team work of sniper killing and cheat killing is your cup of tea, we should have a game sometime.
we both have 56ks but still kick ass.
i am good at land warrior too, but my friend doesnt have that.