Communal Map Design -
05-08-2003, 03:22 PM
Just a thought that some might appreciate:
Idea 1
Person 1 starts a map -- he just makes the basic shapes and ideas.
Person 1 sends the map with a description of what he thinks should be done with it to Person 2.
Person 2 copies the map, then on the second one, based on his own preferences and Person 1's recommendations, adds more detail and adds a few more effects. Satisfied, he sends it on to Person 3 with a description of what he did, and the original.
Person 3 copies the second one, works on the new one- he adds more depth to the detail, adds a few more ideas, works on some of the more tedious micro-management stuff such as making a bathroom look more like a bathroom, etc. He finishes the textures, and sends it on to Person 4, along with the original and the 2nd version.
Person 4 makes a duplicate of the 3rd version, fixes any and all mistakes, perfects textures, and, if possible, makes things a tad more realistic. He sends all four versions back to Person 1, who reviews it, does the same things as player 4, and the maps are duplicated and sent between People 1-4, all of them doing the same sorts of things that person 4 originally did until they are done.
Idea 2
There are 4 experts:
Person 1 makes concepts (the writer)
Person 2 makes the buildings and details (the carpenter)
Person 3 details the buildings and makes details more indepth (the architect)
Person 4 fixes, adds things such as objectives and strategically places player starts, and does thorough player tests, fixing everything he can find wrong. Then, he does texturizing and beauty-work. He sends the product back to everyone for approval.
Anyone like my ideas? Anyone want to start a Communal Map Group?
I got this idea from Age of Empires II, where this is done frequently, and decided that it might be interesting to try in MOHAA.
If I'm being stupid by suggesting this, flame me, but I'll use them to cook meself some s'mores.