I'm doing a project for school and I need a cool logo for my company. You have till June 16 to post one. The name if my company is Para drop Interactive. It is a gaming developing company if possible can you make something that is sweet and such since I will place the best one on my title page with your name on it and such.
It isn't homework its just a logo for my companies bussiness plan. I got 95% on the last one and thought you guys could have some fun doing a logo. No size limits only has to fit on a regular size of paper 8.5x 11. biggrin:
It should be a picture also not just slogan. biggrin:
yeah sure you did biggrin: And I think it is pathetic how you get major points for impressive visuals nowadays. What happend to actually being able to do the freaking thing?
[img]http://www.dodstudios.net/uploads/uploads/paradrop1.jpg[/img] theres a start. You have until june so. that does need work. if anyone else wants to help