Nein -
05-13-2003, 10:20 AM
Like I said before: The savegames will not be lost, you just aren't able to load v1.0 savegames when you have installed patch 1.11. They're not compatible. You can move, copy, delete all you want, it will not help.
You can not load 1.0 savegames in 1.11, and you can not load 1.11 savegames in 1.0
Please believe me.
Just type maplist in the console when you have installed the patch, and start the mission you reached in MoHAA 1.0. Easy. You can change the difficulty level by typing difficultyHard, difficultyMedium or difficultyEasy in the console (I believe maplist starts them in 'hard' mode). You can delete all your old savegames. Enable the console through the advanced options menu.
Maybe you can even find savegames of all mission in 1.11 format on the net.