i have a relative who just came over from taiwan and i i know that there's a 14 day thing for the virus to show up. if if dosnt then everyhting's fine, but if he gets fevers and coughs alot then he might have it. now if there any way to stop the virus from killing you?
There is no way to prevent the virus SARS, nor a cure for it. If it is caught early there are things doctors can do for you to help you recover as there is with most viruses. the death rate of SARS is only 3-5%. So 3-5/100 people who get it will die. Scary, but truthfully isn't that high for an epidemic.
If they show symptoms, go to the doctor. Call ahead of time and they'll set up a special quarintine room for you.
Its highly unlikley that anyone will get SARS. The virus has killed 600 some odd people, infected maybe 100,000. There are billions of people in Asia, so chances are pretty slim. The numbers don't lie.
Well since Taiwan is right next to China, and China calls it a province, but the Taiwanese want their own country chances are the'll be pretty close to having the same problems China is.
But the disease should be on the downturn now. Every other country has it under control, and China has got it through their head that its pretty serious, so things should get better.