Originally Posted by NyckMSS
I walk into work today at 11 am its raining like a mofo outside just hard pour...Im getting situated in the back room putting my fiances lunch in the fridge for her and I see our District Manager is in..
Now this guy is my bosses boss and hes a total asshat..He looks like george hamilton cause his skin is so tan and tight and he always has some flashy dress clothes on..mind you I work at staples. Well this weekend is ASSOCIATE APPRECIATION WEEK and we had to bring in photos of us with our pets and crazy photos etc...
Well my Fiance brought one in of me in these adult ducky PJs she has that i was wearing as a Gag..so im in the back room and I see this my 1st reaction is OMG why the F*** did she bring that one in..I realize right there whoops i just used the F bomb not to appropriate..our DM comes storming out WHO SAID THAT WAS IT YOU..im like yes sir I apoligize thats not appropriate...mind you My General Manager of the store cusses like a drunken sailor..its the Irish in her..
Well he goes off the HOOK and is like you JUST GO HOME and if you use that word here again you'll be gone...SORRY DAD!...I was furious this mofo goes on this trip thinking i was ripping on the photo idea when i think its pretty cool and was just laughing cause my fiance brought that photo in...now i have a manager as an intemediatary trying to smooth it over cause i am one of the best employees they have...and i said if this stuff is gonna happen and your gonna threaten me like that consider it my 2 weeks....
Now the DM is saying he told me to come back in an HR...HOUR MY ASS It takes me 30 min to get to work and im not driving there and back again..i told them i cannot in good faith give the quality of service they expect of me in the state of anger im in at the moment...Oh well ill just put in some personal time to make up for the time and start my vacation early!
Man, i had a boss like this back when i was working @ bruno's(grocery store) last summer. The rich jerk thought he was " all that". I stood up to em 1 day by disobeying 1 of his orders........and now im jobless mwah: