Doesn't Luke Skywalker fire 20 rounds from his Garand into ovens with Germans in it?
yes he does, he fires off 17 rounds (i counted) into this one German hiding in an oven in the Conecntration Camp scene, he doesnt stop to reload. Then when he does, the clip doesnt pop out like it should.
Location: North Building, Offtopic Floor, Apartment 1337
06-15-2003, 08:56 AM
Originally Posted by Sclass12
Originally Posted by Innoxx
Doesn't Luke Skywalker fire 20 rounds from his Garand into ovens with Germans in it?
yes he does, he fires off 17 rounds (i counted) into this one German hiding in an oven in the Conecntration Camp scene, he doesnt stop to reload. Then when he does, the clip doesnt pop out like it should.
i saw it on the history channel, its not that bad, the omaha scene was weird; different than i normally see it (if i remember it correctly)
well, Omaha beach was a couple miles wide and the terrain throughout was different.
If I recall correctly the 28th regiment, 1st division had much easier going than the 106th regiment, 29th division and 2nd Ranger battalion (SPR sector)