Top 10 Favorite Horror Movies. -
06-28-2003, 08:14 PM
The search said there was no fav horror movie thread yet, so....
In no particual order:
1. Night of Living Dead (Original b/w version)
2. Ringu
3. Nightmare on Elmstreet
4. New Nightmare
5. Friday the 13th (1-IV, VI)
6. Halloween (1-6)
7. Evil Dead (I-II)
8. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre
9. Rosemary's Baby
10. Phantasm
1) The Excorist
2) Rosemary's Baby
3) The Night of the Living Dead
4) The Blob
5) Wes Craven's Dreamaster
6) The Texas Chainsaw Massicre
7) Nightmare on Elm Street
8) Friday the 13th
The only movie I've seen on that list is Night of the living dead. And that is one good movie that scared the shit out me for weeks, being only 11 when I raided my dad's movie cabinet. Were talking about the one where it starts off where they raid the drug house and the one white guy goes crazy and they have to shoot him and theres all the zombies and stuff? Thinking of that movie scares the pants off me. ed:
Location: North Building, Offtopic Floor, Apartment 1337
06-28-2003, 10:13 PM
[quote="Sargent_Scrotum":7cf99]the sound of music eek:[/quote:7cf99]omg i wet my pants 5x when i saw that........i cried out of shear terror when she said the "Hills are alive" OMFG!!SCARY!
[/quote]omg i wet my pants 5x when i saw that........i cried out of shear terror when she said the "Hills are alive" OMFG!!SCARY![/quote] lol hahahahaha