06-18-2003, 06:21 AM
If all settings are still the same, it should be a major improvement.
- If your settings have changed, look for options as antialiasing and anisotropic filtering and disable them. Performance killers for MX cards. If you're talking about MoHAA, this card should suffice, but don't set everything to maximum.
- You had a 16 MB card before you upgraded? That's an old card. Any chance you CPU is also an older model? Like 500 Mhz. or something? Then a faster videocard will not really improve performance. Your CPU is the bottleneck, then. Maybe it indeed will decrease performance since newer cards are capable of doing much more than old ones, thus needing more CPU time.
- Check out [url=http://www.guru3d.com/rivatuner/:52402]RivaTuner[/url:52402] and optimize your settings.