pyrotechnic fuses -
06-27-2003, 09:41 PM
okay as the title says pyrotechnics fuses, there will be a list of pyrotechinics fuses in here
Sparkler Fuse 1
Take a packet of sparklers grind em up, then add water to the mixture and mix till it looks like cement lay it on some sting and wait till dry
Sparkler Fuse 2
Just basically a sparkler fuse in you composition
Electrical Ignition 1
Take a medium grade of steel wool and pull a strand out of it. Attach it to the ends of two pieces of copper wire by wrapping it around a few turns and then pinch on a small piece of solder to bind the strand to the wire. You want about 1/2 inch of steel strand between the wires. Number 18 or 20 is a good size wire to use. Cut a 1/2 by 1 inch piece of cardboard of the type used in match covers. Place a small pile of powdered match head in the center and press it flat. place the wires so the steel strand is on top of and in contact with the powder. Sprinkle on more powder to cover the strand. The strand should be surrounded with powder and not touching anything else except the wires at its ends. Now put a piece of masking tape on top of the lot, and fold it under on the two ends. Press it down so it sticks all around the powder. The wires should be sticking out on one side.
Electrical Ignition 2
Get a chirstmas light, use a file to file off the top of it then, put gunpowder inside it, then simply put the 2 wires againt a 9 volt battery and BOOM!
PVC Fusethis requires
1 can PVC pipe cement
1 can PVC pipe primer
soak fuse of string in primer for 10 sec pull out use tooth pic to spoon out some cement and layer it on the string put in desired position in explosive wait 2 min fuse is now ready light and run. 3 seconds of fuse for ever 2 inches use accordingly for explosion size
Timed Explosion
Get an alarm clock and dismantle it CAREFULLY, find the 2 wires connect to the speaker disconnect them and remove the speaker completely, get some gun powder and put it in a little box and place that box were the speaker used to be now put a fuse in it, connect the 2 wires on the fuse and re-assemble the clock set the time and wait
Under Water Ignitors
Okay you will need a match, candle, and some LED's (Light Emitting Diodes)
okay put the LED head against the match head and wrap the LED's legs around the matches body make sure they dont touch then connect wires on the leds but first dip the match head and LED head in wax, to waterproof it, then connect the wires against a 9 volt battery, the battery will cause the LED to explode thus lighting the match,
Visco Fuse (cannon fuse or safety fuse)
This is probably the best fuse to use it comes in red, green, and blue just ask for it at a gun store or order it at [url:88df5][/url:88df5]
Sticky MatchThis is just match heads lined up on a piece of masking tape and the put another piece over it and lighting it, I dont like this one too much because if there are small gaps were the tape is stuck together it lets off smoke hake:
well that is from me and I might be posting some stuff on how to make pyrotechnics devices next so watch out biggrin: