Hey mappers I had a idea to have a paintball type team and ladder mabey but I need a few maps done for the ladder I think that there are alot of paintballers that play mohaa because I am one and I have met a few of them. I am looking for a arena game one of the indoor courses like speedball if you know what that is. im also looking for a forest one with bunkers a castle in the middle and such things. The last thing is one with two castles a small village and church in village not a big church mabey 2 stories mabey three if thats possible. Ladder to get into it. If you need any ideas please post I would love these maps thanks you.
hmm... sounds like a good idea, I will give it a go email me paulsz@pacific.net.au or add me to MSN p_dimension@msn.com
but i aint promising anything, im pretty busy with current projects a TC and a map of my own