01-17-2002, 07:47 AM
I am attempting to get made a First person shooter set from 1805 to 1815, the Napoleonic Wars. Play as either British, French, Prussian, Dutch, Belgium, Austrian, Russian and Spanish.
Fight in diffrent campaigns all through europe and maybe in africa. You will play as in the country you choose maybe around 10 diffrent regiments through out the game like the British 95th Rifles, Russian Cossacks and the French Old Guard. Recreate battles like Waterloo, Borodino and Austerlitz.
Fight with Muskets, Rifles, Bayonets, Sabers,Pistols, 6 pounder cannon ( when your in the atillery regiments), lances and loads more.
Fight in line, column, square, skirmish, spy, blow up, shoot, stab, slice, cut, ride, lunge and much more.
Please tell me if you would play this game from thr thin outline i have said. i have nearly 7 pages of notes written down with pictures and possible missions based on real events.