01-18-2002, 05:05 AM
maybe I play in different servers than you do (I stay in the realistic damage model ones). But I almost never see a rocket launcher, or at least rarely see one unless the germans in the hunt map have slaughtered the americans like six times in a row, then you might see one or two anti-sniper bazookas appear to clean out the five snipers in that six window building at the end of the street. Nothing quite like getting revenge by blowing someone to kingdom come. ; )
Otherwise they show up now and again at best. So what?
When I do see rockets Im not sure how it "ruins" the game. I just see it like a heavy weapon of some kind. And try to avoid it if I can not safely knock it out. Why is being wacked by a rocket worse than being shot by a sniper?
I can just picture the scene in Saving Private Ryan when the heavy automatic weapon (was it a 20mm?) shows up and blasts the guys on top of the tank: "hey stop using that powerful weapon, it ruins the battle for the rest of us!" lol Pa-lease
And the same with shotguns. I kill guys with shotguns as often as they kill me. And in fact I derive a great deal of satisfaction when some tazmanian devil comes flying at me with a shotgun, so sure he is superman, and I lay him out with my mauser or M-1.
The grenades that bounce off walls and then travel another 50 yards, like they were tennis balls? Now THAT aggravates me far worse than rockets or shotguns. But even the boring old nade fest at the start of the hunt map can be justified in my mind as a mortar barrage at the start of the allied advance. Mortars accounted for more G.I. casualties than any other weapon in the European Theater. And they were terrifying.
ALL weapons in the game require SOME kind of skill. I am not very good at the sniper rifle or the shotgun or rocket launcher because I don't use them very often. But I also have a prejudice about them. I think they are all handicap weapons for people who can't get by with a rifle. But then I start feeling that way about the sub machineguns, and the machine guns. Too easy. Too accurate. wha wha whaaaaaa. And then Im told the rifle is too easy and too accurate and too powerful.
Perhaps they should just have spears. Oh but the German spear is so superior to the American spear it is not funny! And the next day someone will post saying the American spear is much too powerful and too accurate when you are running and throwing at the same time.
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