08-27-2003, 11:43 AM
go here: [url:b75c3]http://users.1st.net/kimberly/Tutorial/down.htm[/url:b75c3]
and download m-builder.zip, packscape, and MoHAATOOLS.
after you have downloaded all that stuff go here: [url:b75c3]http://users.1st.net/kimberly/Tutorial/tut.htm[/url:b75c3] and follow the tutortorials on how to set up your programs.
when you have your programs set up, go to the link above and follow the tutorials on how to make stuff.
sense your going to be a noob mapper i suggest you join the forums at [url:b75c3]http://wwww.modtheater.com[/url:b75c3] youll get your questions awnsered there.