Yeah, I am bored and have too much time on my hands.
[url=]Medal of Honor-Ass Assault[/url:15f7f]-A few US GIs are going at it in the hedge rows. Privacy is soon lost though as two germans discover them.
[url=]Powell's Big Adventure[/url:15f7f]-Powell gets a ride with the french resistance. Ride and resistance are subjective though as things unfold.....
Heh heh. I used to post here under a different name and not too often. I don't even remember what it was. Anyway. I just got bored and spliced these together. I'm not too picky about who does what with them but if you feature them somewhere(yeah, I'm dreaming) then please just credit my webpage or something. pleease?
ps-these are random and not meant to make much sense, so if they seem stupid its cos they are
