My Map is all Black (or gray) -
08-29-2003, 02:46 AM
Hi there guys!
After a pause im starting with mapping for mohaa:sh again. I've made a skybox with the exact same settings as the "berlin" tut map. When i've compiled the map and when im running it, my map is completely gray.
At first i thought it was a farplane worldspawn property problem, so i delete these pairs from the worldspawn entity. But no luck, now my map is all black! I am using ambinetcolor and suncolor etc etc so i should see something, even if the textures don't work...
Tried to replace the sky texture with another sky what has worked before, but again, no luck! im completely stuck ... so please .. can someone help me? Could the problem be a compatibility problem between mohaa and sh?
Thanx in advance!