any mod or way i can remove all health packs from the game MOHAA/MOHSH/.MOHBT..would like to see how hard it is to complete it without them..hehee.. rock:
ok get pakscape, then open pak0. now go look around in models for the healthkit tik file. idk wat exactly its called or where it is sry. but then u drag it to desktop, open it with notepad, edit it, save it then open pakscape again and create a new file, and create the same path as where u found it. models/(the folder its in)/(the tik file) save that as a .pk3, put it in ur main folder and ur done!
hmm i changed them to give 0 instead of 25 50 100 in both lines of the tlk file but still get heath..and my path is models/items shouldnt it override the defualt? im saving it as a pk3 and putting it in my main directory..
what the problem was is setting it to 0 didnt was still returning health for canteens for some what i did was change the class from health to it works great the healthpacks are there but you cant pick them up! works really good now thanks for the help..if anyone else is interested i can host this makes it so much more realistic with no health packs to pick up..especially on hard level just 4 hits and your dead..or with some of the realism patches out there one hit..hehe..
heres an example of what i changed to one of the healthkit tlk files
scale 0.52
path models/items/healthpacks
skelmodel surgeonpack.skd
surface material1 shader surgeonpack
ok the above link should now work for spearhead and breakthrough..the only health addon to these expansions was the tank healthbarrel which i think i your tank cant instantly get here if it still works as i havent gotten far enough in spearhead to test.
im not really aiming for multiplayer..that would be tough..this is intended for single player..but i guess if you host a server with the mod health kits would not work..may promote teamwork in team games rather than just random shooting..but like i said i made it so i could play single player without it..more fun in my opinion..