Can't get Breakthrough into full-screen mode... -
09-23-2003, 12:43 PM
I just installed the full version of Breakthrough. By default, the game appears in a window. However, pressing Alt+Enter does not switch it to full-screen mode. Any suggestions?
LOL! Yep, I'm sure it's the full version. Just got it from CompUSA 30 minutes ago. It was released this morning. I figured out the solution to the problem, anyway. Find this line in your UnnamedSoldier.cfg file:
LOL! Yep, I'm sure it's the full version. Just got it from CompUSA 30 minutes ago. It was released this morning. I figured out the solution to the problem, anyway. Find this line in your UnnamedSoldier.cfg file:
seta r_fullscreen "0"
and change the "0" to "1".
i don't see that mine cuss:
BTW anyone esle have MP maps crashing during the load screen??