The battle for ww2 mod is looking for peeps -
10-05-2003, 05:16 AM
Hello all, the battle for ww2 mod is a new mod consisting of team that would like to make mohaa/mohas more realistic. The team so far includes my self, headup vash, and grim_reaper. If interested pm me or head up, thnxs
stfu imwithstupid: lol Yes dj HELP with a layout bujt the rest is on my back. The website will be up as soon as Head up finishes the website buttens etc.
Hey Head Up. Its me Speirs obviously. I will help out. I can make realism mods, skin guns, skin people, make sigs, pictures, anything i guess just not make maps or models. I can make websites too. But anyway I am willing to help out so let me know whats gonna happen. I got AIM[Volz3634] or msn .