01-23-2002, 07:52 AM
First post on the board, but I've been wandering these boards for almost four months.
I don't want to repeat what anyone has said, I think the game is "ok." A lot of the positive and negative that has been said I agree with... no use posting that. But there is an element of the game that I simply can't believe... enemy respawn??
My god, why was this feature adopted into gameplay? **EH, SMALL SPOILER?**For example, in Africa when you're ordered to sabotage the trucks, tanks, and munition supply: once the last charge is planted on the tiger and the bombs explode, you get rushed by Germans (obviously). I'm playing on "hard" so I ducked back into a corner behind the warehouse that held one of the tanks. I started getting shot, so as I turned around, there was a soldier out of nowhere! I dispatched him, turned back to face front and await the coming enemies, when another soldier spawned behind me and took me out.
Good god, that seems so... I dunno, primitive. A real gameplay killer, at least in my humble opinion.
So much talk about trying to develop a real "immersive" atmosphere, but I can't help shaking my head when soldiers spawn right in front of my face. That's hardly immersive!!
Secondly, the "hard" setting is certainly manageable for the most part, but some missions become downright impossible to complete... I've yet to get past the mission where you're the gunner for the jeep in Africa... three hits and I'm dead. Pretty frustrating, especially since the "hard" setting seems to be the most enjoyable so far.
Anyways, I don't want my first post here after so long to be negative... I think the game is successful and fun to play. Multiplayer has given me and my roommates an incredible amount of joy. But after an hour spent observing the SP, well... it's just not what it could have been. And the addition of elements like enemy respawn (over and over and over) is just frustratingly dissapointing.
In any case, I still enjoy the game. Certainly one of the better fps I've ever experienced. It's just hard to cope with the fact that it could have been the BEST. I've always desired a fps that combined WWII with a somewhat realistic feel (not op flash real, but close). Looks like that game has yet to come for me... so until then, MOHAA will suffice... but in a frustrating way.