i have to write out a one page summery of why i would be the best person for this job thing.....its so hard, i cant come up with anything
what do you write about?
can some one write a one page summery of why you would be the best person for a job, so i can copy and paste it into mine oOo:
If you can't write one little page about why you think that
you would be good for the job then you're not ready to have
a job. Take some responsibility and do it rock:
First off..What kind of job is it?
Think of any qualities, skills,experiences, or talents that would help you
with your job duties.
You can always put some fluff in about being dependable, harworking ect.
Do you speak any additonal languages?(may help if your dealing with the public)
If you would have to use a computer, list any programs or computer
knowledge that you have.
Have you had any previous job experience in this line of work?
Have you learned anything on any other jobs or at home that might help you with this one?( cash registar, stocking, ordering inventory, cutting trees,
or whatever)
Do you have good people skills?
Have you ever supervised anyone else at a job?
How flexible are you with your schedule?
Think along these lines and put enough fluff into to it and you will be at a page before you know it.( I would type it out and attach it, looks more professional)
just open up the dictionary and put lots of complicated words in that sound nice. rock: then say how dedicated you are and how fast then repeat followed by some big complicated words.
Location: AA.com North Building, Offtopic Floor, Apartment 1337
11-09-2003, 07:32 PM
[quote="Short Hand":88d86]just open up the dictionary and put lots of complicating words in that sound nice. rock:[/quote:88d86]That alwaaays works oOo:
how can you not come up with a one page summary of why you would be good for the job? do you want it or not? put down your qualifications and why they should hire you instead of charging you for wasting their time.