02-10-2002, 06:33 AM
Need a little assistance here. Level begins with elevator opening. Take out the two Krauts at the end of the hallway, then turn left. Go down a corridor, blast the guard at bottom of steps, go up steps, blast the guard hiding behind boxes, turn hard left through exploding room, go through passageways that are not blocked by explosions, finally ending up at what appears to be a double sliding door. Compass "beads" converge at this point so it looks like this is the correct place but cannot proceed beyond this point. I usually have 3-4 seconds before the exploding building gets me. Can't find any kind of mechanism for opening the door, or any other passageway out. According to the compass this should be the exit. Have I missed a turn somewhere or is there a switch, wheel, or other kind of control that will open this door? Is this the correct door?? Thanks. I've run this scenario thirty or forty times with no luck getting out. Also, is this the last level in MOH?
"So many targets...So little time!"