01-23-2002, 09:19 AM
Hey guys, just got the game, single player has been rocking so far. Now the big gripes are with multiplayer, I think as many others would the most anticapated multi map would be Omaha beach, right? Well TAKE OUT THE DAMN SNIPER RIFLE, heck even take out the Axis sniper rifle. It is too easy for allies to snipe Axis using the mounted machine guns and vise versa if you are Axis and have good spot you can just snipe Allies while they respawn. It is pointless with the sniper rifle. My second annoyance(not complain) is all the title screens and logos, I mean I was trying to get into a multi game and after all the loading screens and title junk, GAME FULL. I was cursing my head off after that crap, and just to think I would have to go through it all again just to get into another game with Gspy, they really need to have a turn logos off thing like NOLF and AVP2 had. I don't mean to get anyone mad, I love the game just those 2 gripes with multi which can be fixed. L8r.