Originally Posted by Acideyez
sounds like a good idea, maybe like a Terminator atmosphere (the future wars of man vs machine)
I can help on Skinning but not much at mapping.
No, not like that..
More like.. The whole world has been kicked back in time, but they still have remnants of how great it all once was..
Like, the Statue of Liberty is smashed and only her head and the arm holding the torch is still above the ground, standing as a constant remindr of times that has been.
People going cavenging into the citys, finding books and stuff they use for trading, since money isnt exactly a subject anymore..
Weapons arent used the same way they once were, since ammo isnt that easy to find anymore.
People have become more mistrusting against their fellow men and wouldnt hesitate to shoot, like they once would have..
Some people gather up clans to try and grasp the power of the countrys.
Well, something like that.. No machines or robots, just dirty and dusty..