01-13-2002, 09:23 AM
Got the demo yesterday,played it constantly,completed it,wow,(now trying it on diff.difficulty settings(i'm such a wuss;did it on easy 1st!).just thinking how this will play online is mouth watering indeed!.the audio is supreme,even the menu screen is good looking,i've watched pretty much all of the videos on the official website which are all amazing and the beach landing especially looks absoloutley magnificent.i thought on my dell-p4,1.5ghz,256ram,geforce2mx400 pc it was going at crawling pace when i bumped up the graphics but once i brought them back down to earth it ran very well although i reckon a decent video card will help alot,however it does run well on mine so don't worry 2 much(turn off dynamic lights,put to 800x600 helps LOADS!).
well they're my thoughts,whats everyone elses? single player and multiplayer.