The war ended in 1783, but that’s beside the point. It shouldn't be called the Freedom Tower anyways. This isn't a war for freedom, we are free, and no one will ever threaten that. This war on terror is a war of vengeance, and a suitable show of determination and defiance would have been to resurrect the twin towers. And when we catch Osama, we can celebrate by tossing him off the top of one of them.
As a member of the architectural profession I have many opinions on all of the designs that have been proposed for the redevlopment/reconstruction of the trade centers. Although much of the public would like to see the land designated strictly towards a memorial... that's just not economically feasible for the manhatten area. That land is worth just too much money. Thus many designers have proposed to create structures that serve as both functional space and memorial space. I dont exactly agree with this approach either, but it seems to be a reasoning point for much of the public.
In regards to reconstructing the towers you have to think about the experience of urban life and the events of 9/11. Imagine the world as a sheet of fabric. On 9/11 that fabric was violently torn. For us to rebuild the trade centers exactly as Minoru Yamasaki had designed them, we would be making a metaphorical statement that says. "Nothing has happened... and nothing has changed" By re-designing the towers in a contemporary and monumental manner, we are showing the stiches and repairs to our fabric. We are making an architectural statement that says we are a people that can heal and maintain unity and strength. And when we do heal... we heal stronger... We let nothing threaten our way of life.