This is a game I've been keeping an eye on and reading about it's progression so far I can't wait for it cool:
"We're hoping to support at least 16 players over the Internet on the PS2 and Xbox, possibly more with a dedicated server. On a LAN, we should be able to get around 32 players. For the PC, we think we can get double those numbers (32 over the Internet and 64 on a LAN). You can also add bots. [...] The AT-AT will definitely be in the game, as will be the AT-ST, speeder bikes, Rebel snowspeeders, X-wings, TIE Fighters, Republic Gunship, and other assorted vehicles from the movies. Vehicles spawn at command posts and most of the vehicles will have more than one position. For example, the Rebel snowspeeder will have a rear runner that can shoot a tow cable. Talk about reenacting moments from the movie!" ... ttlefront/
And one other random piece of info: the ION Storm game previously known as Thief 3 will be titled Thief: Deadly Shadows.