To clear things up a bit, the show used to be called "Good Morning Ms. Bliss". It was Zach, Lisa, Screech and Mr. Belding among other characters. It took place in junior high. I believe NBC bought the rights to the show and changed some of the cast, I remember when the first episode ran. They had a special that recapped the previous two seasons and introduced Slater, Kelly, and Jessie.
Basically, if you don't like the older shows don't buy the first two seasons because it really isn't Saved by the Bell, although since NBC owned the rights to Good Morning Ms Bliss they just retitled the show.
Edit---> never mind this DVD set is of the newer seasons and not the Ms Bliss episodes. Oh on another note In Living Color is coming to DVD soon. ... ance&s=dvd ... ance&s=dvd