01-28-2002, 02:45 AM
Ever notice that the servers with the Realistic Damange Mod are always full?
How about using the Realistic Damage Mod yourself????? Yeah, that's the ticket!
There are not nearly enough servers with CPR listed.
I only know two that have cpr and ff and no cheat on.
Come onnnnnnn!
Realistic Damage is SO Much Better!!!
In the normal mod, where it takes a whole clip from an MG to kill someone anywhere but the face the sniper rifle and shotgun are even more unfairly powerful. In the Realistic mod you can drop someone with an M-1 or a Mauser just like in real life and a thompson and MP40 are actually dangerous.
It is just so much cooler I can't even bother playing the basic mod anymore.
I would love to host a server but our stupid Road Runner cable service in NYC forbids it.]
So can't some of you guys put CPR and No Cheat on your servers.