My new mapping site is finally launched - it's only current game is Medal Of Honor: Allied Assault (and expansions) but I hope to develop the site.
Anyway, here it is, I hope you like it, and I hope some are willing to concentrate and make the site even better (see the [url=http://www.leveledit.com/join.php:9d1c7]Join[/url:9d1c7] page for more information). So, I offer file uploading, map hosting and even site hosting. But most of all I hope I offer something better - a great site. Any comments would be much appreiciated, also please drop by the [url=http://www.leveledit.com/forum/index.php:9d1c7]forums[/url:9d1c7]!
LevelEdit Site Admin
P.S: Please drop by at the forums, or please just register, it would help loads even if u just posted a few times - but hopefully some will stay, there are a few good topics going, cheers, m4rine