Yeah I pretty much feel the same. I HATE and I mean HATE people like that. Fucking assholes. I hate teh fuckers that protested in nam 2. Those fucking men were just doing their jobs so what if the pres was a dildo.
eek: I smell fraud. He just has the wheel chair to collect insurance money.
I'm joking of course.
It is sad to see that people don't really realize what they are doing, or in this case not doing. I'm sure if they realized it, they would stand up, but their not really there to remember fallen and salute the flag, their there for the parade not really thinking what its about.
But i'm sure that fellow was once in the marines or some other unit, and the other people are obviously not.
Are you supposed to stand when they walk by with the american flag ?
People should stand and respect the men and women in uniform who lay thier lives down to protect THEM seflish assholes who are sitting on the sidewalk... and the whole point is that the crippled man IS IN A WHEEL CHAIR but somehow is able to push himself to stand to do exactly that and respect those men. While those lazy pieces of shit sit on the ground... doesnt make sense, eh?