Is there some confusion?? -
02-11-2004, 03:00 PM
Ok, all friggin day I've been deleting/locking/editing posts that contain subject matter that's either inappropriate for this forum or just too fucking stupid to let live.
C'mon guys use yer brains when you post something. If you have to say to yourself "I wonder if this is allowed to be posted here", then odds are it isn't.
Here are some quick pointers:
1. Keep girly images (even avatars) confined to the Girly Thread. Keep animations of a guy getting an acrobatic blowjob off the forum altogether.
2. Limit your pictures to 800x640...not 2593x1165
3. No one cares if you want to say hello to the newest user on the forums. Send a PM.
I don't think we're asking much, here folks.