Kindergarten Cops -
02-14-2004, 07:57 PM
Okay, so I'm reading an old Time Magazine from late last year just now, I and I read this article about increasing violence in young children.
In the article, they cite some specific instances of five and six year olds flipping out, such as:
[*] A six year old jumps up, slings her desk to the ground. Runs under the teacher's desk and pulls out all the drawers and starts throwing scissors from a box at her classmates.
[*] A five year old, while seeing the district's psychologist after thoroughly beating a classmate at recess on several occasions, threw off his clothes and pissed on the pshrink's desk.
[*] A five year old, angry over his grade on a spelling test, walks up to his pregnant teacher and punches her in the stomach.
Why is all this happening? Simple.. parents don't discipline their kids anymore. It's a shame and it's fucking ridiculous. Why don't they do it? Well..
[*] They'll be frowned upon by their "PC" friends[*] They've been convinced by Dr. Phil that a good smack on the butt isn't effective (which is precisely why there are 10 years olds killing people these days, right? Someone needs to get that guy a ticket to the fucking Clue Train)[*] These days, if you spank your kid, he goes to school, tells his teacher. The teacher tells the principal who calls the counselor and the superintendant and conference with the parent. Then social services gets called and they come and take the little prat. Twenty years later the leech on society's ass gets away with murder on an insanity plea after he twists a smack on the ass into "brutal abuse" from his parents as a child. Then when he gets out of the psych ward he sues your ass for being the root of his psychological problems and ultimately causing him to be a failure in life.
And this shit actually happens. Anyone interested in building a house in Fiji? oOo:

Chairperson, Coastal Carolina Students for Ron Paul 2008