Ok, Ive downloaded pakscape, but I have no idea how to fricken use it. I'm as trying to open one of the paks for MOH so I can start skinning...I've tried everything I can think of, but It either doesn't work right or I have no idea what I'm doing. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
ok its quite easy realy start pak scape. make shure your in the directory you want to be in probably like main for the allied assault or mainta for spearhead ans maintt for BT youl probably need to go to main so make shure your thre its somewher like C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\MOHAA\main in that folder is wher the pk3 s are so go ther and make shure you have selected Pk3 Files (*.pk3) in the drop down menu on the botom the there they are if your still confused pm me or go here [url:2dcd8]http://users.1st.net/kimberly/Tutorial/pakscapetut.htm[/url:2dcd8]
Beat him. Please stop moddifying before you hurt yourself. If you cant even open a .pk3 with pakscape, the actual modding is way beyond your capacity imwithstupid: