Well let me say this allies will never win if the axis team is
1. not out#ed 3 to 1
2.Has players that are seasoned from the demo or play any FPS alot.
Why you ask well here is my 2 cents.....the respawns are way too fast there should be a penalty for death....I have played both sides and granted I have seen allies win but the teams were way lopsided. IF you can get killed (as a german) then respawn as fast as you can by hitting the fire button it doesnt matter if the allies kill you . You will just respawn (at your base of course) and kill them back but they(allies) respawn far from the gun... I believe that a waiting period like RTCW on this map would be much much better. That way you can respawn with a group of teammates and not have to look for assaulters to help you rush the german position. And the germans in turn cant just simply go right where they got killed and kill the ally person back. I have done it many times as a german got killed went right back in 10 second found the crew that jumped me

and capped them all.
IMHO no respawns or a death penatly( a waiting period to get back in the action)would suit this map great. Not ranting but believe this would be better maybe others dont think so esp a german player

tell me what my fellow MOH players think.
PEace and holla when you see me.... Enemy@TheG@te
[This message has been edited by m0neY_EQ (edited January 24, 2002).]
[This message has been edited by m0neY_EQ (edited January 24, 2002).]
[This message has been edited by m0neY_EQ (edited January 24, 2002).]
Damn they need spell checker on this thing lol so i dont have to edit so much my typing sucks
[This message has been edited by m0neY_EQ (edited January 24, 2002).]