01-26-2002, 10:14 AM
,,,i was just sick to death of crappy fps in this single player demo that i was simply going crazy just like alot of others out there, especially gf2mx card owners. heres my set-up and i'll tell what i've just done to up the fps:
dell pentium 4-1.5ghz
40gb hard drive
sound blaster live sound card
19" monitor
ELSA GLADIAC 511 GEFORCE 2 MX400 tv-out graphics card.
first i'd installed the latest nvidia detonator xp drivers again(even though they were up to date), then i installed directX 8 (from PC-GAMER disc-which actually said it was 8.1, mistake maybe?).but the change i think might have done it may have been in the advanced properties on the desktop settings, i turned Anti-Aliasing off completely and restored all the options to their default and finally pressed apply. after rebooting i thought to myself, well this isn't going to work as usual with this game,coz i've been messing about with the graphics options for ages!
starting up the game, i think the settings were on 640x480,no shadows,everything on low detail,no lighting,curve detail lowest,16 bit colour i reckon,model detail on highest,etc, all pretty low. so i started up a game and low and behold my fps was up from about 20-25ish to a nice 50-60 fps! all this was on low though so i scaled alot of things up gradually and it was hardly making any difference at all,i put textures on high,still no shadows,no dyn. lighting but the other lighting one on.
so overall i've somehow managed to up my framerate about 20 or so, in battles it still goes to around 25 but its mostly at around 40-50 which is one hell of a nice change for me as i was at my wits end.
hooray! hopefully from what i've done here i may be able to help some people out especially the geforce 2 mx400 card users out there, try what i did, maybe, just maybe it'll help.
good luck,
That man is the richest whose pleasures are the cheapest - Henri David Thoreau