01-26-2002, 09:38 AM
so... they (EA) disabled the cheats... yeah!!!... that's great for MP... it was getting annoying with everyone on every map cheating their arse off...
but, now I found out that ALL cheats are disabled in SP???... I think that should still be available for the individual users... don't ya think???
I had finished the game on medium, using no cheats... I had 5 medals.....and now that I got the patch I lost everything!!!!... no medals, no saves... and now I can't access the MP until I finish the game again....
So, here I am, having to redo the entire game, just so I can get back into MP... and now I have to go through everything... I thought what the heck, I will try to use a cheat to get me through the game faster... anyone have any ideas of what to do??.... I enjoyed the game, but I don't feel like redoing the whole thing again.....