01-27-2002, 08:13 AM
This is a great game, and shooters aren't really known for great AI.....but.....
1. Spawning. Has anyone else noticed that MoHAA uses endless spawning? For example, at the end of level 4 (when you're running for the French gal's truck on the other side of the bridge), there are some dog / man teams that keep spawning endlessly behind you? And in the very first level, the guys on the roof at the ambush will keep spawning until you enter the house to get on the MG42. This is pretty old school AI.
2. ESP. I've had guys shooting at me when they can't see me from the room they're in. After I go in and kill them, I'll see the bullet marks on the wall where they were unloading at me when it was impossible for them to see, hear or hit me. On the couple of occasions when this has been combined with clipping problems (ie. they can shoot through the walls), it's been a little frustrating.
3. Difficulty / Marksmanship: At the medium and hardest levels, these guys are crack shots. Why not reduce the hits I can take (more realistic) rather than make rank and file soldeiers Distinguished High Masters (less realistic)? I just don't get it.
With that said, still a damn fine game. Now if I could only go prone to shoot my sniper rifle...ahhhhhh, sniper rifle.
Speaking of Homer, that's the approach you need to take with this game's AI: "Be quiet, Brain, or I'll stab you with a Q tip."
Crow King