Well, voting is all day long, from 7:30am - 7:30pm local time across the country.
So when it's 7:30 in BC, which is 9:30 Easternl, all the polls will have been closed. Then the TV can bradcast who has won in the ridings they know. It will take a while to see who is the next PM though because all the votes in Alberta and BC will still have to be counted and that will probably go late into the night. But you might get an indication as the votes are counted. So you won't see anything on who'se winning until 9:30 eastern.
It didn't used to be like that but they changed it because the polls closed hours earlier in the east than the west. They said that some people made their decision based on what the current results were out east. This way, no one knows who'se winning before they vote. Everyone has the same thing to consider, and nothing can influence it. I suppose this is the better way to do it, but I always liked watching CBC and CTV and watch the little metres at the bottom go up and down as votes were counted and ridings assigned. I guess we'll get a little bit of this this year, but not as much as last year.
And who voted? I sure did. Just as soon as I got off work today. About 30 minutes ago. I don't see why people don't vote. It took me about 1 minute to walk in there, the guy to tell me what booth to go to, for me to hand my voter card to the lady and for her to check off my name, for me to take a piece of paper and put an x on it, then hand it back to her and she put it in the box. Not too complicated.
Oh...shit...Ok, i was a little off. That is what I heard befdore. Now i'm watching CBC and they said that there is no blackout. Polls close at different times across the country.
8:30 local in Newfoundland. 9:30 local in Ontario and 7:00pm in BC. But sill they say that Newfoundland polls will have been closed for 2 and 1/2 hours before BC polls close. That means people can watch on TV in BC what people in the east voted for. There is a little blackout dot singing on CBC now about that there used to be a blackout in BC, but now not anymore. Strange. I'm totally fucked on this subject. NOw instead of all the polls closing at 7:30pm in eachg time zone, they staggered the polls, but it still doesn't work like I said before.
Heres a story that will explain it better:
http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/ ... nal/Canada