Hey im new to modding. I want to make some mods for my server. If i can get some help with them then I will put them up for public download.
I want to make a mg42 that fores rocket rounds. yes i know thats absurd stupid: and so on but i dont care. It fits my server. I already know how to spawn stuff. I do although need to know where i can find the mg42 tik file. I am on MAC so if anyone out there knows any good tools for MAC that would be greatly apreciated.
I think i did it right for the shotgun. Can anyone tell me if it is right.
scale 0.52 // Set default scale to 16/30.5 since world is in 16 units per foot and model is in cm's
path models/weapons/shotgun
skelmodel shotgun.skd
surface shotgun shader shotgun
classname Weapon
weapontype heavy
name "Shotgun"
rank 620 620
// Primary fire type info (fast, arcing throw)
firetype projectile
ammotype "heavy"
projectile models/projectiles/panzerschreckshell.tik
clipsize 25
startammo 5
ammorequired 1
firedelay 0.75
maxchargetime 4.0
minchargetime 0.6
crosshair 0
quiet // don't notify AI of it being fired
autoputaway 1 // automatically put the weapon away when out of ammo
usenoammo 0 // don't allow it to be used when it has no ammo
movementspeed 1.0
// Winchester Shotgun: Max Eff. Range is 25 yds with a muzzle velocity of X ft/s. (Double Ought Buckshot)
bulletrange 1000 //the range at which bulletspread is applied
bulletspread 80 80 95 95 //minpitch minyaw maxpitch maxyaw
movementspeed 0.99
// currently does a total 300 potential damage, but uses more pellets in SP
bulletcount 30
bulletdamage 10
tracerfrequency 0
crosshair 1
// viewkick -3 -5 -3 3
// AI animation group info
weapongroup rifle //TODO: If AI use this weapon, we need a shotgun group.
idle shotgun.skc
reload shotgun.skc // this is the start of the reloading sequence
entry sound shotgun_snd_reload_start
reload_single shotgun.skc // this is the reload loop that loads in a single shell
entry stopaliaschannel shotgun_snd_reload_single
entry sound shotgun_snd_reload_single
reload_end shotgun_fire.skc
last idle
entry sound shotgun_snd_reload_end
fire shotgun_fire.skc
entry shoot
entry stopaliaschannel shotgun_snd_fire
entry sound shotgun_snd_fire
// this is the sound for the rechambering pump
entry stopaliaschannel shotgun_snd_rechamber
entry sound shotgun_snd_rechamber
// By now, the server has already fired the weapon, so it's
// ok to apply the view kick apon entry to avoid problems
// with multiple application on single frame animations.
// View Kicking
// View Kicking works based on the assumptions that every weapon has its own tendencies to kick in
// a paticular fashion. In MOH we call then scatter patterns. Currently we have 2 scatter patterns which
// will be explained.
// Scatter Patterns:
// "V" - the cone. The longer you shoot the more random your shots will be in the horizontal axis.
// "T" - the T shape. The gun has a tendancy to push in a paticular direction.
// +-------------------------------------------- Scatter Pitch Min
// | +--------------------------------------- Scatter Pitch Max
// | | +------------------------------- Scatter Yaw Min
// | | | +--------------------------- Scatter Yaw Max
// | | | | +--------------------- The Recentering speed in fraction per second
// | | | | | +---------------- The Scatter Pattern
// | | | | | | +---------- The absolute pitch min/max
// | | | | | | | +------- The absolute yaw min/max
// | | | | | | | | +----- This is the pitch at which you loose all
// | | | | | | | | | control of the weapon and its behavior is
// | | | | | | | | | purely random.
// V V V V V V V V V
entry viewkick -20.0 -20.0 0.05 0.05 15.2 "T" 12.0 5.0 10.0